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奖助金 & 合同期限为2020年1月至3月

肖恩·班纳伊,Community & 环境卫生, Study of MSDS Amongst Dental Hygiene Students; Johns-Hopkins University, $6,578.28.

肖恩·班纳伊,Community & 环境卫生, A Novel Model for Evaluation of Musculoskeletal Disorder Among Visual Display Terminal (VDT) Operators; Virginia Space Grant Consortium, $10,000.00.

彼得·伯纳斯,化学 & 生物化学, Collision Induced Absorption Measurements for Titan's Atmosphere; NASA-Headquarters, $159,353.00.

DAVID BOWLES, VMASC, IRAD; bet8体育娱乐入口, $112,000.00.

肯特·卡彭特, 生物科学, Assessment of Marine Ornamental Fishes; World Conservation Union (IUCN), $52,500.00.

克里斯托弗•卡特, VSGC, Planning Project for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) And Aeronautics Pathways at Richard Bland College of William And Mary; Richard Bland College of William And Mary, $100,000.00.

MECIT CETIN,民事 & 环境中, 库恩谢, 香港杨, What Is an Effective Way to Measure Arterial Demand When It Exceeds Capacity; Virginia 运输 RESEARCH Council, $100,000.00.

郑耀文,数学系 & Statistics, 36th Southeastern Analysis Meeting; 国家科学基金会, $30,589.00.

SANJEEVI CHITIKESHI, 工程技术, SHIRSHAK DHALI, VUKICA约万诺维奇, Employer Needs and Arm Asset Map; Duro Workforce, $87,499.68.

琼DELAYEN, 物理, HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade FY20; Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, $105,961.00.

SAIKOU迪亚洛,VMASC, 罗斯戈尔, Navy 国际 Program Office (NIPO) 国际 Program Opportunity Engagement for 技术 (IPOET); Camber Corporation, $117,000.00.

SAIKOU迪亚洛,VMASC, KRZYSZTIF RECHOWICZ, 建模 Religious Change; John Templeton Foundation, $3,998,981.00.

哈米德EISAZADEH, 工程技术, Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing of Large Metal Parts; Virginia Space Grant Consortium, $10,000.00.

哈尼·艾尔赛义德·阿里,电气公司 & 计算机中, Measurement of Thermal Diffusivity of Superconducting Niobium Tin; BSCE Systems, 公司., $15,000.00.

哈尼·艾尔赛义德·阿里,电气公司 & 计算机中, 支持 for Face Corporation on RESEARCH and Development of Advanced Energy Harvesting Concepts; Face Construction Technologies, $25,964.00.

哈尼·艾尔赛义德·阿里,电气公司 & 计算机中, Microscopy Analysis of Steel; Mil- Spec Abrasives, LLC, $1,085.00.

巴里这时警报声响起, VMASC, Risk and Decision Analytic 支持 to Hampton Roads Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Grant and The Threat Hazard Risk Assessment (THIRA); Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, $65,787.00.

巴里这时警报声响起, VMASC, BRATISLAV CVIJETIC, 杰西卡·约翰逊, Martinsville Stempowerment Workshop; New College Institute, $17,060.00.

巴里这时警报声响起, VMASC, Risk and Decision Analytic 服务s to VDEM 首页land Security; Virginia Department of 紧急 Management, $73,000.00.

赫克托耳加西亚, VMASC, ERIC WEISEL, Human-Machine Accessible Interfaces for Intelligent Factory; Virginia Department of Social Sciences, $50,000.00.

小乔治·哈格曼, 海岸物理海洋中心, Metocean Data Integration and Web-Based Model Validation Tool for NOAA Co-Ops; University of Delaware, $59,088.00.

霍莉·汉德利,工程管理公司 & 系统中, YUSUKE YAMANI, Architecture Framework for Data Analytics for Driving Simulator Studies; Volvo 技术 of America, $42,000.00.

亨利·罗杰·哈维《bet8体育娱乐入口》 & 大气科学, Mares To4 Synthesis Meeting; Stantec, $13,227.00.

克里斯汀鹭, 心理学, 凯利·罗马诺, 影响, 身心因素, And Eating Behaviors: Examining Naturalistic Associations Among Female Young Adults with Eating Disorder Symptoms; US 公共卫生 服务 (National Institutes of 健康-NIH), $33,120.00.

方虎,数学 & Statistics; TD-Fast (Time Domain Fast Acoustic Scattering Toolkit) Enhancement and Utilization; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $87,108.00.

查尔斯·海德, 物理, EIC Background Studies and The 影响 on The IR And Detector Design; Brookhaven National Laboratory, $63,500.00.

UKWATTA JAYARATHNA, 计算机科学, 罗伯特灰, 斯泰西RINGLEB, STRS: Student "Thinsat RESEARCH" Summer Camp 2020; Virginia Space Grant Consortium, $10,092.00.

MIA JOE, VMASC, Brooks Crossing Stem Initiative, bet8体育娱乐入口, $91,580.00.

克雷格·乔丹, VMASC, SAIKOU迪亚洛, UNOS Organ Donor Model; United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), $199,997.00.

VUKICA约万诺维奇, 工程技术, MUJDE ERTEN-UNAL, 乔治•麦克劳德, OTILIA POPESCU, 巴尔沙TERZIC, ODU Building Leaders for Advancing Science and 技术 2020; Virginia Space Grant Consortium, $43,712.00.

约翰KLINCK, 海岸物理海洋中心, 识别, 量化, And Projecting Decadal Sea Level Change; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, $25,000.00.

杰弗里·约翰, 物理, APS Contribution - IPAC 2020 Funds; The American Physical Society (APS), $20,000.00.

桑迪普·库马尔,公民 & 环境中, Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Biocrude And Its Upgradation to Biofuels; National RESEARCH Council Canada, $3,767.00.

帕特丽夏LAVERDURE, 康复科学学院, ITIP: Interdisciplinary Training for 公司lusive Practice; Virginia Commonwealth University, $12,997.00.

MELANI寂寞芳心,教育合作中心, 乔安娜·加纳, HALLDORA韦伯斯特, Professional Development and Regional Opportunities Generating Computing 资源 and Microcredentials (Program); Virginia Dept Of Education, $125,000.00.

罗伯特·麦克纳布, 经济学, VINOD AGARWAL, MUGE AKPINAR-ELCI, 米歇尔KEKEH, 马克REHFUSS, CHANIECE温菲尔德, Engagement and Effectiveness of the 23-Hour Crisis Care Model; University of Virginia, $96,900.00.

艾伦·梅卡, 心理学, 陈京, 克里斯汀鹭, 米歇尔•凯利, 马修·犹大, 耶利米还, APA: Summer 本科 RESEARCH Experience; American Psychological Association, $20,943.00.

金伯利·墨菲,通讯紊乱 & 特殊教育, Speech - Language Pathology and 特殊教育ucation: Evidence - Based Practice (A); Virginia Dept Of Education, $4,072.00.

CHRISTIANNE奈斯比特, 护理, AJAY古普塔, SHUBHAM耆那教徒的, 库尔特·马利, Effects of CBD Oil on Agitation in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease; Eastern Virginia Medical School, $218,360.00.

约翰·纳纳利,创新RESEARCH所 & 创业, Ferguson Innovation Challenge; Ferguson Enterprises, LLC, $34,680.00.

约翰·纳纳利,创新RESEARCH所 & 创业, Boots to Business Plus Up; Small Business 政府, $39,868.00.

约翰·纳纳利,创新RESEARCH所 & 创业, 马丁KASZUBOWSKI, Complementary Opportunities for Start-Up and Growth in Pavlodar And Norfolk; American Council of 国际 Education, $22,492.00.

YIANNIS PAPELIS, VMASC,联邦自主系统创新中心(C2Ias).; Virginia Polytech Institute & 州立大学,14万美元.00.

史蒂文·帕斯卡,化学 & 生物化学, Synthesis of Enterovirus Positive-Strand RNAs: Discovery of Viral and Host Determinants of RNP Complex Formation; University of California (All Campuses), $119,083.00.

DAVID PERKINS,创新RESEARCH所 & 创业, Consultant 服务s for the 2020 Rise Coastal Community 弹性 Challenges; Coastal Community 弹性, 公司., $12,500.00.

机械部的史黛西·林格勒 & 航空航天英格, Rugged Touchscreen Button with Positive Indication Feedback; VR Rehab, 公司., $58,353.00.

罗伯特•罗宾逊, VMASC, SAIKOU迪亚洛, 巴里这时警报声响起, 弗吉尼亚海岸 Maritime Advancement Programs (Cova Map); bet8体育娱乐入口, $1,532,500.00.

玛丽LSANDY,VSGC, Virginia Space Grant Consortium FY2020-2024 Main Grant; NASA Langley RESEARCH Center, $350,000.00.

玛丽沙, VSGC, NAS ACRP Grad RESEARCH Award; The National Academies of Science, $605,589.00.

玛丽沙, VSGC, Pathways Flight Academies - VA Department of Aviation 资金; Virginia Department of Aviation, $55,000.00.

萨钦谢蒂, 计算建模与仿真工程“,, Assured Cyber Supply Chain Provenance Using Permissioned Blockchain; University of Illinois (All Campuses), $87,500.00.

萨钦谢蒂, 计算建模与仿真工程“,, Cyber 弹性 Metrics for Bulk Power Systems; University of Illinois (All Campuses), $75,000.00.

萨钦谢蒂, 计算建模与仿真工程“,, 建模 Security Risk to And Resiliency of Eds Using Software-Defined Networks and Robust Networked Control Systems; University of Illinois (All Campuses), $125,000.00.

巴尔沙TERZIC, 物理, 劳尔BRICENO, 杰弗里·约翰, REU网站:加速器和核物理, 国家科学基金会, $98,936.00.

STEPHEN TONELSON,通讯障碍 & 特殊教育, 罗伯特·盖博, 安MAYDOSZ, 你VANDECAR-BURDIN, School Climate Transformation Grant Year 6; Virginia Dept Of Education, $74,999.00.

STEPHEN TONELSON,通讯障碍 & 特殊教育, 罗伯特·盖博, 安MAYDOSZ, Virginia State Personnel Development Grant - Year 3; Virginia Dept Of Education, $431,508.00.

STEPHEN TONELSON,通讯障碍 & 特殊教育, 罗伯特·盖博, 安MAYDOSZ, 你VANDECAR-BURDIN, School Climate Transformation Grant 2; Virginia Dept Of Education, $150,000.00.

STEPHEN TONELSON,通讯障碍 & 特殊教育, 罗伯特·盖博, 安MAYDOSZ, Restraint and Seclusion Training Videos; Virginia Dept Of Education, $78,117.00.

STEPHEN TONELSON,通讯障碍 & 特别教育,安MAYDOSZ,“有效的课堂系统”,“创伤敏感型学校” & "Safe and 支持ive Schools" Workshops; Virginia Dept Of Education, $113,229.60.

STEPHEN TONELSON,通讯障碍 & 特殊教育, 罗伯特·盖博, 安MAYDOSZ, School Social Work and School Psychologist Symposium; Virginia Dept Of Education, $38,725.55.

STEPHEN TONELSON,通讯障碍 & 特殊教育, 安MAYDOSZ, 你VANDECAR-BURDIN, Virginia Beach Growsmart Project; Virginia Beach Economic Development Authority, $39,704.00.

约翰·特威德,数学 & 统计学,辐射屏蔽RESEARCH & Improved Transport Methods; NASA Langley RESEARCH Center, $116,008.00.

琳达·瓦哈拉,电气公司 & 计算机中, Quantum Algorithms for Sansec Sensors Phase II; Semicyber, LLC, $25,206.00.

你VANDECAR-BURDIN, 社会科学RESEARCH中心, 2020 Family Survey; Virginia Department of Behavioral 健康 and Developmental 服务s, $44,000.00.

你VANDECAR-BURDIN, 社会科学RESEARCH中心, VA Child Care Market Rate Survey; Virginia Department of Social Sciences, $66,763.88.

埃里克·沃尔特斯,生物科学, Collaborative RESEARCH: Evolution of Cooperation in Social Woodpeckers; 国家科学基金会, $38,810.00.

ERIC WEISEL, VMASC, SME ADL Initiative; Lockwood Hills, $73,806.46.

谢坤,民事 & 环境中, MECIT CETIN, 香港杨, 公司orporating The 10Th Edition ITE Rates into VDOT Regulations; Virginia 运输 RESEARCH Council, $100,000.00.

YUSUKE YAMANI, 心理学, 陈京, REU网站:交通问题行为科学的跨学科RESEARCH经验, 国家科学基金会, $124,947.00.

香港杨, 计算建模与仿真工程“,, Arterial Bottleneck Analysis Implementation: Phase 2A - Development of Conflation Tool; Virginia 运输 RESEARCH Council, $63,000.00.

香港杨, 计算建模与仿真工程“,, Development of Horizontal Curve Dataset for Virginia Road Network; Virginia 运输 RESEARCH Council, $76,000.00.

香港杨, 计算建模与仿真工程“,, MECIT CETIN, 渝中区沈, 支持ing 运输 System Management and Operations Using Internet of Things 技术; Virginia 运输 RESEARCH Council, $75,000.00.

香港杨, 计算建模与仿真工程“,, SHERIF申请, 库恩谢, Development of Guidelines for Collecting Transit Ridership Data; Virginia 运输 RESEARCH Council, $90,000.00.

克里斯汀·泽姆林,电气公司 & 计算机中, Epicardial Cryoablation In A Pig Survival Model; Atricure 公司, $51,830.00.

张晓宇,机械 & 航空航天英格, SANDEEP库马尔, RET站点:培训Stem教师替代(生物质), 太阳能, 风, And Hydrogen) Energy RESEARCH Through Hands on Laboratory and Computational Experiences; 国家科学基金会, $600,000.00.

理查德·齐默尔曼,海洋,地球 & 大气科学, 维多利亚山, 查尔斯SUKENIK, Design and Fabrication Of OLEAS: Oceanographic Lidar For Environmental Assessment; Nalu Scientific, $40,000.00.



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