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奖助金 & 2019年8月合同


肯特·卡彭特, 生物科学, 全球 Conservation Status Of The Flatfishes; World Conservation Union (IUCN), $113,500.00.

PHOEBE CHAPPELL,海洋,地球 & 大气科学, 罗伯特WOJTOWICZ, Improving Climate Science Communications In Fisheries Management To Better Inform Core Stakeholders; National Science Foundation, $51,000.00.

SANJEEVI CHITIKESHI, 工程技术, SHIRSHAK DHALI, Smart Manufacturing And Automation Using Advanced Robotics Systems; Commonwealth Center For Advanced Manufacturing (CCAM), $30,000.00.

卡罗尔很远, 工程技术, 约书亚原意, 米歇尔COVI, 亨利·罗杰·哈维, Cope Conference: Identification And Prioritization Of Recurrent Flooding RESEARCH Foci Workshop: A Synergistic Approach; National Science Foundation, $87,674.00.

丹尼尔·多尔,生物科学, Narasinga rao chagty, 约翰DONAT说, 托德EGERTON, 默罕默德祖拜尔, Chesapeake Bay Program 2019-2020; VA Department Of Environmental Quality (VA Water Control Board), $1,183,890.00.

安东尼·迪安, 迪安, 工程, HBCU/MSI Instrumentation/Equipment: Expeditionary 3D 打印ing Capability To Enhance Naval Readiness And Training; Army RESEARCH Office, $311,450.00.

SHIRSHAK DHALI,电气公司 & 计算机中, Generation Of Large- Volume High-Pressure Plasma By Spatio-Temporal Control Of Space Charge; US Department Of Energy, $195,000.00.

奥斯卡·冈萨雷斯,电气 & 计算机中, Complex Systems Integration; National Institute Of Aerospace Associates, $77,401.00.

克里斯汀鹭, 心理学, 雷切尔·麦金太尔, An Examination Of The Effects Of A Dissonance-Based Body Image Intervention On College 女性's Social Network; American Psychological Association, $1,000.00.

汗IFTEKHARUDDIN,电 & 计算机中, Data Intensive Machine 学习 For Large-Scale Sensor Data Processing; Ohio State University, $47,500.00.

马修·犹大, 心理学, 南希獾, 罗伯特·克莱默, 安吉拉华立, Implementing A Social-Ecological Suicide Prevention Program (SESPP) At bet8体育娱乐入口; US Department Of 健康 & 人类服务部,95,043美元.00.

MICHELE KEKEH,Community & 环境卫生, MUGE AKPINAR-ELC, 健康y Behaviors Survey: Partnership With Suffolk Public Schools; Suffolk Public Schools, $8,000.00.

瑞安麦肯,康复科学学院, The Short-Term And Long-Term Effects Of Balance Rehabilitation In Those With Chronic Ankle Instability; National Athletic Trainers Association, $900.00.

玛格丽特·穆赫兰《bet8九州登录入口》 & 大气科学, 艾琳•霍夫曼, 约翰KLINCK, 地表叶绿素A分布的关系, 鞭毛藻的丰度和种类, And Depth-Averaged Chlorophyll Concentrations In The Lower James River Estuary; Hampton Roads Sanitation District Commission, $199,767.00

安东尼·佩雷斯,Educ Found & 领导, 本科 Enrichment Experiences To 支持 生物医学 Careers: An Investigation Of Underlying Psychological Mechanism; Michigan State University, $14,014.00.

钱世志,机械 & 航空航天英格, Novel Solid State Thermal-Magento Generator Utilizing Low-Temperature Geothermal Fluid 资源; Oak Ridge National Laboratory, $60,000.00.

MARY SANDY, VA Space Grant Consortium, National Space Grant Training Grant; NASA, $45,600.00.

KAREN SANZO, Educ Found & 领导, 杰斯克里布纳尔出版社, Design Virginia: High School Innovation Network; Hailfax County Schools, $6,500.00.

MAMADOU SECK,工程管理 & 系统中, Verifiable 建模 And Simulations Based On Computational Category Theory; North Carolina Agricultural & 州立技术大学,$47,006.00.

柯石,数学 & 统计数据, Ensemble Algorithms For Parametrized Time-Dependent Magnetohydrodynamics; Simons Foundation, $42,000.00.

体操屠宰,电气 & 计算机中, Multiparametric Bioreactor For Functional Preservation Of Vascularized Composite Allografts; Army Medical RESEARCH And Materiel Command, $389,185.71.

艾米丽·斯坦希尔伯,创新RESEARCH所 & Entrepreneurship, Open Seas 技术 Innovation Hub; Economic Development 政府, $547,250.00.

激情STUDIVANT, 学生支援服务, ODU/学生支援服务 Year 5; US Department Of Education, $363,435.00.

HAMEEDA SULTANA, 生物科学, GIRISH NEELAKANTA, Arthropod Exosomes Mediate Vector - Pathogen Interactions; US 公共卫生 服务 (National Institutes Of 健康-NIH), $387,500.00.

STEPHEN TONELSON,通讯障碍 & 特殊教育, 罗伯特·盖博, 安MAYDOSZ, Norfolk Public Schools: Targeted PBIS-Tier 1; Norfolk Public Schools, $114,750.00.

琳达VAHALA,电 & 计算机中, Quantum Algorithms For Sansec Sensors; Semicyber, 有限责任公司, $10,993.00.

王希希,公民 & Environmental Eng, Vermicompost From Stormwater Phycoremediation; Virginia Wesleyan College, $1,208.00.

剑吴, 计算机科学, Collaborative RESEARCH: Citeseerx: Toward Sustainable 支持 Of Scholarly Big Data; Pennsylvania State University, $21,436.00.

TIAN-BING徐、机械 & 航空航天英格, 寿命长, 长冲程, 低功率, And High Torque-Force Actuators For Extreme Space Environments; Polyk Technologies, 有限责任公司, $30,000.00.

翔旭,数学 & 统计数据, Dynamic Q-Tensor Theory For Liquid Crystals; Simons Foundation, $42,000.00.

Juita, wei yusuf, 公共服务学院, 约书亚原意, 米歇尔COVI, 乔治•麦克劳德, The Economic 影响 Of Recurrent Flooding On Workforce Productivity And Property Damage: Determining The Return On Investment For Selected Adaptive Interventions; National Oceanic & 大气管理局,168,605美元.00.



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