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奖助金 & 2019年2月合同


MUGE AKPINAR-ELCI,Community & Environmental 健康, MICHELE KEKEH, Evaluation For 健康y Chesapeake; 健康y Chesapeake, $10,000.00.

MECIT CETIN,民事 & 环境工程, 香港杨, Exploration Of Corridor-Based Tolling Strategies For Virginia's Express Toll Lanes; George Mason University, $63,389.00.

PHOEBE CHAPPELL,海洋,地球 & 大气科学, Collaborative RESEARCH: Quantifying The Effects Of Variable Light And Iron On The Nitrate Assimilation Isotope Effect Of Phytoplankton; 国家科学基金会, $319,322.00.

MICHELLE COVI,海洋,地球 & 大气科学, 卡罗尔很远, 珍妮特NICULA, JUITA优素福, Asert Community Engagement In Virginia Beach; City Of Virginia Beach, $30,000.00.

巴里·埃泽尔,VMASC,杰罗姆·布林克,弗吉尼亚港口 & Valve Steam Mapping Combo Workshops; VA Port Authority, $6,000.00.

巴里这时警报声响起, VMASC, DARRYL AMASON, USMC Non-Lethal Fires Course Development; Alex - Alternative Experts, 有限责任公司.

拉里坐头把交椅, Center For Enterprise Innovation; Option Year Work Plan 2018-2019; Small Business 政府, $150,000.00.

MELVA GRANT,教学 & 学习, NOROU DIAWARA, 乔治WHITTECAR, bet8体育娱乐入口 (ODU) Noyce Stem Teacher Active Recruitment (On Star); 国家科学基金会, $75,000.00.

克里斯汀鹭, 心理学, 艾比BRAITMAN, 罗宾·刘易斯, Examining Binge Eating In Daily Life: Working Toward Reducing Obesity Disparities In Racially Diverse Lesbian And Homosexual 女性; US 公共卫生 服务 (National Institutes Of 健康-NIH), $228,636.00.

桑迪普·库马尔,公民 & 环境工程, Sandia Flash Hydrolysis Of Algae Biomass; Sandia National Laboratories, $25,000.00.

MELANI寂寞芳心,教育合作中心, HALLDORA韦伯斯特, Technical 支持 York County Public Schools Stem Teacher Professional Development: Soar With Stem; York County Schools, $120,000.00.

弗雷德里克·麦肯齐,Mod, Sim & 力工程, 之浩, 胸壁畸形的监测治疗:用更安全的x光代替x光, 便宜的, Faster And More Accurate Alternative; Children's Hospital Of The King's Daughters, $107,501.00.

KRZYSZTOF RECHOWICZ, VMASC, Repurposing Computational Analyses Of Tactics For Training Assessments; Prevailance, 公司., $27,000.00.

埃里克·沃尔特斯, 生物科学, Collaborative RESEARCH: Evolution Of Cooperation In Social Woodpeckers; 国家科学基金会, $38,810.00.

琮王, 计算机科学, CRII: SHF Software And Hardware Architecture Co-Design For Deep 学习 On Mobile Device; 国家科学基金会, $175,000.00.

理查德·齐默尔曼,海洋,地球 & 大气科学, 大卫BURDIGE, 合作RESEARCH:提高对蓝碳的理解:海草在隔离二氧化碳中的作用, 国家科学基金会, $48,753.00.



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